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Gardening Catalog

Gardening catalogues are an excellent way for gardeners to purchase anything their heart desires or anything their garden requires without ever leaving their home. Gardening catalogues offer a wider variety at a cheaper cost with less hassle involved. You can order anything you want or need and have it delivered right to your door, ready for use.

Gardening catalogues are a treasure trove of information for both beginner and experienced gardeners. They will give detailed descriptions about all plant types available for purchase, their growing and blooming seasons, and the maintenance that is involved. They will tell readers exactly what nutrients each plant needs and the proper times to administer them. Catalogues even give tips and hints on things like how to control weeds and/or diseases that may infect your plants. They give step-by-step planting instructions, such as how much sunlight will be needed, and what season are the best planting times. Keeping that in mind, most catalogues will wait and ship these goods so that you receive them during the proper planting time according to what zone you live in.

Gardening catalogues also have all of the equipment you could possibly need for any type of gardening. If you have a hydroponics garden you can order a timed water pump or artificial lighting. You can order pruning shears for shrubs or a gas operated tiller to break up your dirt. Catalogues will give you a large selection of gloves, making it possible to find a pair that is operational and fashionable. Other tools that can be purchased include, but are not limited to, hoes, rakes, spades, shovels, water hoses, and sprinklers.

Gardening catalogues provide gardeners with a wider selection of seeds and plant types than can be found anywhere else. The biggest plus about catalogues is everything is offered to you at once. You can look through what is available and pick and choose what you wish to plant based on the requirements, such as the plants maintenance, time, and climate needs. A gardening catalogue gives you the luxury of viewing every plant type all at once, making it much easier to make a choice.

Gardening catalogues, above all else, are extremely convenient. If you do not live near a nursery or some type of gardening store, it is difficult to find all of the things you need to start and keep a healthy garden. Let’s face it; Wal-Mart does not have everything you need for a garden. Gardening catalogues give you more options and allow you to view everything available at a single setting. Whether you are in the market for seeds or equipment, a gardening catalogue is the only way to go.

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Gardening Book

Gardening books come in all different shapes and sizes and offer more information on gardening than can be found anywhere else. Anything anyone ever wanted to know about gardening can be found in a gardening book. Gardening books are not expensive, and will end up being worth much more than you will pay for one. Not only can gardening books be used for personal use, they are also an excellent gift for a gardening friend.

For the beginner, gardening books are almost a necessity in starting a garden. Books will give step-by-step instructions and easy to understand directions on how to plant a garden, from breaking up the dirt to how much water your plants need. They will give all of the necessary details about every type of plant, such as how much light they need to survive, how often they need to be watered, how much nutrients must be added to the soil, and any other little quirks that plants have.

Gardening books are very informational and range anywhere from just a pamphlet size book with a few pages to a novel size book with hundreds of pages. The information provided is top notch and a lot of it cannot be found anywhere else. Books provide hints and tips on how to make your plants healthier, how to keep your garden free of weeds, and how to prevent against and fight diseases.

Often times gardening books will give readers ideas they had never thought of before. For example, there are hundreds of vegetables and herbs out there that many people would never think of growing in their backyard, but would be very good to grow in your own personal garden. There are also millions of flowers many people don’t think about but that are very beautiful. There are hundreds of people that would probably trade their rose bush for an exotic flower, and with a gardening book they could read about what types of flowers are available and will grow in their area.

Whether you enjoy gardening or not, gardening books are wonderful gifts if you have a gardening friend. It is personalized and you can give a great gift that isn’t that expensive. You could even give it to someone who doesn’t garden. Who knows, maybe they will be interested and decide to plant a garden.

Gardening books are excellent for any type of gardener at any level. No matter how much gardening knowledge and experience you have, I guarantee you there is a gardening book somewhere that has something in it you don’t know. Gardening books can be used no matter what you grow: shrubs, flowers, vegetables, fruits, and trees, even those of you who grow weeds!

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Fall Gardening

Many gardeners do not even consider fall gardening because of the winter frosts that might make an early appearance. On the contrary, fall gardening will result in excellent vegetables and will extend crops long after spring planted plants are finished. Vegetables produced from fall gardening are sometimes sweeter and milder than those grow in the summer and offer a brand new taste to the same old veggies.

What you choose to grow during you fall gardening will depend on your available space and what you like to eat, just like spring plants. Even the crops that enjoy the heat, such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes, okra, and peppers, will produce until frosts hit, which can be pretty late in the year in southern areas. However, there are some plants that will quit towards the end of summer like snap-beans, summer squash, and cucumbers. If these vegetables are planted around the middle of the summer they can be harvested until the first frosts as well. Hardy, tough vegetables will grow until the temperature is as low as 20 degrees, but those that aren’t as strong will only be able to grow through light frosts. Remember that if you have root and tuber plants and the tops are killed by a freeze the edible part can be saved if a large amount of mulch is used.

When fall gardening, make sure and pick the vegetables with the shortest growing season so they can be full grown and harvested before the frost arrives. Most seed packages will be labeled “early season”, or you can find the seeds boasting the fewest days to maturity. You may want to go after your seeds for fall gardening in spring or early summer; they are usually not kept in stock towards the end of summer. If they are stored in a cool and dry location they will keep until you are ready to plant.

In order to know exactly when the best time to start fall gardening, you must know about when the first hard frost will hit your area. One of the best ways to tell this is by a Farmer’s Almanac. They will give you exact dates and are rarely wrong. You will also need to know exactly how long it is going to take your plants to mature.

To get your soil ready for fall gardening you must first remove any leftover spring/summer crops and weeds. Crops leftover from the last season can end up spreading bacteria and disease if left in the garden. Spread a couple of inches of compost or mulch over the garden area to increase the nutrients, however, if spring plants were fertilized heavily it may not need much, if any. Till the top layer of soil, wet it down, and let it set for about 12-24 hours. Once this has been done, you are ready to start planting.

Many gardeners will run from fall gardening so they don’t have to deal with frosts, but if tough, sturdy vegetables are planted they can withstand a few frosts and give you some wonderful tasting produce. Fall gardening gives you the chance to enjoy your vegetable garden for at least a little bit more time.

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